Caring For The Feet Embarrassing situations happen all the time , but there are somethings that we can definitely prevent , for example not caring for our feet. On a regular basis it is expose to bacteria , dirt and many other germs , it being the" ride or die" of our daily adventures we ought to do right by our soldiers . In today's blog I will be discussing some important facts about the feet, why its the most neglected part of the human anatomy, feet conditions and some steps in caring for them. The feet is located at the most distal part of our body , it is a part of our body that is used excessively and because of this , it is necessary that attention must be payed to this area. The feet is made of three sections; the forefoot , midfoot and hindfoot. the forefoot is made of the five toes( phalanges). The midfoot is a pyramid like collection of bones that form the arches of the feet (Hoffman , 2021). The ...
I am enthusiastic in writing about issues that everyone faces everyday and I am dedicated in doing honest research for my readers. Tasha .